Follow the process below for instant part and delivery quotes.

Step 1

Drag and drop your files

Upload up to 30 files at a time. Our system will check and repair files before moving to the next step.

Once you have an account, you can choose files from your library to reprint.

Step 2

Pick a process, material, quantity and colour

Selecting a manufacturing method will unlock the materials and colours for that method. As you select different materials pricing will change instantaneously

Happy with the price, click add to cart. You can then move on to another uploaded part (click blue heading at the top).

Step 3

Confirm your part quote

Review your total part quote. Then click next step for delivery methods.

Step 4

Choose a delivery method

North American customers can get real time shipping quotes. Pick your method and times.

Step 5

Confirm your order

Review your total parts plus delivery quote and hit confirm for payment options.